Thursday 3 May 2012


It's surprisingly catchy. In fact most of MnM (I'm kidding - Eminem) is.
I don't usually appreciate rap/hip hop, but VH1 really doesn't ask before playing something and it's 4AM so I'm not complaining much.

But the song really got me thinking - especially since there's little else to do - about shooting off to outer space. I have a friend who'd be 'totally spazzed' by the possibility. He once told me about the whole black hole theory and the universe(s) bending in on it(them)self; didn't really grasp the whole thing, but it sounded pretty damn cool. We used to spend a lot of time together and have a great time even though there's little in common between us. MD was a great friend when I needed it, and I'd like to think I was a good friend to him too.
Well you know how things sometimes just inexplicably snap between people? Yeah, part of me doesn't believe that was what really happened even if I'll go my grave saying to him "I really don't know..". And yet, I cannot point out the exact moment things started going downhill. With his AlwaysRudeMaskedAsBlunt attitude, my preoccupation with my own problems, high school getting over, my laziness, his whatever.. I suppose it could've been anything. It had happened many times over before, but somehow we'd clear it out and get back to normal.. and then it'd start again. Sort of became the big trumpeting elephant in the room for us.
Now I'm just avoiding contact with him, and I'm pretty sure he's given up on me too. It helps having moved to a new city to come up with a legit-sounding excuse even though you're never asked for one. And to be brutally honest, I don't miss his friendship.

I hope he never does, but if he stumbles on this page and sees the title of this post (yes, he knows me well enough to know who's writing) he'd go totally ballistic. He's into the whole "This Is Music (but it's really just computer generated beeps and bops)" Scene.
I'm not one to talk; I'm so mainstream I'm part of the ocean myself.

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